Thoughts provoked by the Daredevil:
Well, we surely did need another superhero in tights. My question is: (and it's actually something I've been wondering about for quite a while) Who saws their outfits? And wouldn't the person who does them know who it was for and tell everybody else? I'm just kidding. I respect the fantasy world of non-disclosure agreements. But seriously why do they have to wear tights? Can't they just wear regular pants? Dockers or something?
I'm gonna stop with the whole pants business. On a more serious note: the movie was somewhat of a disappointment. Very weak plot. Some funny moments. Fight scenes could've been much better. The action was happening so fast it was impossible to understand what's going on. The fight scenes were flashing in front of my eyes so quickly that my eyes started to hurt and after a while I started thinking that the whole point of the movie was to make the audience relate to the main character by actually making the audience blind. By the way, I appreciate what they tried doing with the superhero being blind. I think it's great that there are movies showing that handicapped (is it still a politically correct word?) people can overcome their disability to become superheroes. However, I think we need more superheroes that most of us can relate to. As we all know 65% of Americans are overweight. Don't they deserve their own superhero? Fatman, a 300-pound man in tights or a Wonder-bread-eating-woman, whose superpowers would be smashing villains with her weight. How about a homosexual hero, the Lispman who would kill his opponents with the repeated use of the word: "Fabulous"? Latinos just became #1 minority in the US... How about their superhero? I think a movie about him or her should be done in Spanish with no subtitles...
...and so on...
I gave you food for thought. Digest it!