My Opinions, observations, etc.

Please visit my new and improved website at: it has more opinions, more art and is much more fun!!!

Warning: Sometimes I'm not quite politically correct.  Please, please, don't judge me.  I'm just kidding.  Do whatever you want to, but know that I don't discriminate against anybody and I don't believe that anybody's better than anybody else.  If I'm making fun of a particular group of people it's all in good spirit.  People should be able to laugh at themselves.  I know I can! P.S. contents should not be taken seriously, (except for a few exceptions).

The pages don't go in any particular order nor are they arranged by the seriousness or importance by the issues discussed.  I add them to this page as I come up with them.

1. my never-changing opinions

2. just a bit about hardships of being a female artist

3. About Natasha

4. A bit about my views on art and feminism

5. Funny ads featuring Hollywood celebrities

6. Thoughts provoked by the Daredevil

7. Star wars II review

8. Leelee Sobiesky and Helen Hunt theory

9. If Muslim fanatics ruled United states


11. just a few funny ads featuring Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein

12. tax cut parable

13. my policy on hair styles and hair colors

14. my favorite love letters

15. some of my poetry

16. Halloween 2002 observations

17. just some funny observations (not mine, but still funny) about drinking

18. the 'ass theory'

19. Gulf Wars (operation Iraqi Freedom) Poster

Please visit my new site at


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